What? Another General Ledger Application?

12 December 2018

By: Nelson M. Nones CPIM, Founder, Chairman and President, Geoprise Technologies Corporation

On November 30th, 2018, Geoprise Technologies released a brand-new General Ledger subsystem. 

The sceptics out there (and the world is full of sceptics) are already asking, “What? Another General Ledger Application?” If you are one of them, this blog post is for you.

Blockchain for Blockheads

5 July 2018

By: Tony Marston, Director, Research & Development, Geoprise Technologies Licensing

I recently had a conversation with someone from the academic world who thought that integrating blockchain into business applications such as ERP systems involves nothing more than transferring financial data. That conversation prompted me to write this article in hopes of shining light into the darkness.

Blockchain Technology for Pharmaceutical Records

27 February 2018

By: Nelson M. Nones CPIM, Founder, Chairman and President, Geoprise Technologies Corporation

Drug products are regulated in most countries. Pharmaceutical enterprises must shoulder a significant recordkeeping burden in order to serve the global market. This post explores the known security vulnerabilities of audit trail features found in leading enterprise resources planning (ERP) as well as electronic document and records management systems, and how GM-X ERP for Blockchain eliminates those vulnerabilities.


The Inside Story of GM-X ERP for Blockchain

10 January 2018

By: Nelson M. Nones CPIM, Founder, Chairman and President, Geoprise Technologies Corporation

I recently co-authored a book with Dr. Janson Yap, “Wow! How Did You Know That?” (Chatswood, Australia: Gadwise; 2017. 275 p. ISBN 978-9811156618.). If you're interested in reading it, head over here where you can order a copy.

What's this got to do with the inside story of GM-X ERP for Blockchain? Plenty, as it turns out ...

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